The idea of a Command Officers Organization came to light in early 1976. A steering committee was formed on October 12, 1976 by interested command officers. From this meeting came ideas and recommendations that were implemented resulting in the incorporation of the “State Police Command Officers Association”. This was formed as a not-for-profit organization in February 1977.
The purposes of the association are:
- Promote and advance the Law Enforcement profession.
- To unite in common organization, those professionally engaged as Illinois State Police Command Officers.
- To promote the mutual interests of its members.
- To promote and encourage the enactment of just and reasonable laws and regulations affecting the Law Enforcement profession.
- To improve the conditions affecting the State Police as a professional agency.
- To engage in such other activities as may be necessary and proper to carry out the aforementioned goals.
The association offers an opportunity for command personnel to be more effective in promoting enhancement of their role and the image of the Illinois State Police. The association offers the opportunity to unite with other associations in efforts toward accomplishing common goals.
- Achieved a majority membership among Illinois State Police Command Officers.
- Enjoys a “meet and confer” status with the Illinois State Police Department Director.
- Is a voting member of the National Troopers Coalition.
- Sponsored and passed legislation to establish eligible creditable service for up to 5 years of service as a full-time law enforcement officer employed by the federal government or any out of state agency.
- Sponsored and passed legislation to establish eligible creditable service for up to 5 years of service as a full-time law enforcement officer employed through the IMRF pension fund and upgrade up SERS civilian time to sworn time.
- Purchased equipment & uniforms for the ISP Honor Guard and provides funding to the Honor Guard to attend out of state law enforcement funerals to represent the ISP.
- Purchased equipment & uniforms for the ISP Pipes and Drums.
- Attends political outings/fundraisers and has established direct contact with the Governor, Senators, and Representatives.
- Cooperates with F.O.P. Lodge 41 and the Teamsters on matters of mutual concern.
- Initiates and supports legislation to improve retirement benefits.
- Initiated a department study of the salary span between ranks.
- Was instrumental in obtaining optical and dental programs through the Illinois State Police Credit Union.
- Acquires nationwide computer information on other State Police salaries, benefits, etc.
- Unionization of command due to lawsuit filed by SPCOA on behalf of command officers. This included getting back the 7% pay differential between ranks and the ability to save two years of vacation time plus current year vacation if we agreed to drop lawsuit. Cost to SPCOA was $150,000.
- Established command pay and command time for Master Sergeants and Lieutenants.
- Sponsored legislation supporting funding for the Police Officers Memorial Park.
- Has a full time lobbyist who works for all ISP officers, current and retired. Lobbies for legislation that the ISP is not allowed to take a position on.
- Provides funding to SPCOA members to attend National Police Week in Washington D.C.
The S.P.C.O.A. presents a strong, unified voice of the command officers to the Department Director. Your problems, ideas, or suggestions, can be brought to the attention of the Illinois State Police Administration through your local S.P.C.O.A. Director.
Click Here to download the new member application form. Complete, sign, and email the form back to us.
SGT and Above – $9.00/pay period (semimonthly)
Associate – $1.00/pay period (monthly)
Retired Membership – $5.00/pay period (monthly)
Membership is open to all current and retired Illinois State Police Officers holding the rank of Sergeant and higher.
Click here to download the new member application.
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